Collection of GSuite mailbox delegated account


I have a situation where we are attempting to collect one user’s mailbox in a client’s GSuite environment. IT has created an account within their GSuite and has delegated access to the target mailbox to our user. The user they created is not an admin. Is there a way to collect this delegated mailbox using the user IT provided for us?


Hi there,

If at all possible, I would recommend using domain-wide delegation of authority rather than creating an extra user with delegate access. Domain-wide delegation of authority works through a service account, which you can create yourself and have your client’s IT authorize.

We have a walkthrough of the process here:

Thanks for the reply, Arman! That is what I suspected - I will work with the client’s IT team and see if they are comfortable providing such access. The article you linked will be great to show them precisely how it would be used.

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