Forensic Email Intelligence v2.0 Release Notes

We have just launched FEI v2.0! Here is a quick overview of what’s new :fire:

Index Search

FEI now has powerful index search capabilities. This covers the ingested emails and their attachments, and allows a wide variety of searches such as field, range, date, wildcard, proximity, Boolean, and regular expression searches :+1:t2:

The search interface makes it possible to quickly re-execute recent searches, and perform a new search within an existing search.

FEC Projects

It has been possible to quickly import FEC acquisitions into FEI while retaining acquired server metadata. With the additional search and export features, FEI has become a great tool to perform post-acquisition quality control, review, and filtering on your FEC acquisitions. You can import your acquisition into FEI in a few clicks, make it searchable, and export subsets as needed :+1:t2:

Project-level Insights

In addition to the item-level Insights FEI offers on examined emails, FEI projects now contain project-level Insights. For example, if multiple messages with the same Message-ID or conversation index but different contents are detected, you would receive a corresponding project-level Insight and can navigate to the referenced items immediately to investigate.

Aggregate Data Views

You can now quickly review data points cataloged during ingestion such as participants and attachments, and navigate to them.

These data points can be filtered on the spot, and you can navigate to them using the right-click context menu or a double-click.

Pivots on a Dime

We have added new right-click context menu commands to the Evidence Grid to pivot on key data points such as participants, email subjects, etc. Here is a super quick demo (make it fullscreen to see the details):

Quality of Life Improvements

We have made quite a few improvements to make your daily workflow easier. For example, it is now possible to export a list of subdomains from the subdomain intel window, you can now add evidence to an existing project, we have added a Level column to filter on the extraction depth of an item, and we have significantly improved the load time for the Evidence Grid and the cold start time for the MIME Structure View. :raised_hands:t2:

Move to .Net 6

Starting with FEI v2.0, we have switched to .Net 6. We have included instructions to obtain the .Net Desktop Runtime 6 from Microsoft on FEI’s download page.

Some of these improvements were user requests—many thanks to everyone who made them! Your feedback is greatly appreciated.:blush:

You can find the changelog below. The new version is available for download :lock: here when you are ready. I hope FEI 2.0 contributes to your success—may the wind be in your sails!

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